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17 May 2022

Taking off with edge computing? Don't clip your own wings

By Marc-Elian Bégin

Considering an edge solution? Read on for tips and potential pitfalls. A pilot entering cloudy, turbulent skies is effectively flying blind. It’s ...

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17 May 2022

What makes a smart city even smarter? Shared edge infrastructure

By Marc-Elian Bégin

Create a future-proof solution for your smart city by implementing a shared infrastructure You can find many, many smart cities that share a commo...

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03 May 2022

4 ways to know if you need edge computing

By Marc-Elian Bégin

Would your company benefit from an edge computing solution? 4 quick questions to consider. It seems everyone is taking a closer look at edge compu...

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14 February 2022

Before lift-off: the parts required for excellent edge computing

By Marc-Elian Bégin

Embarking on an edge computing journey? It’s helpful to know what’s running under the hood. Private pilots like me are trained to always take a ca...

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28 January 2022

Why fly blind? Free your business-critical data from the cloud today

By Marc-Elian Bégin

There may be trouble ahead for companies unable to plan and operate in near-real-time. Edge computing provides the solution. A pilot entering clou...

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10 January 2022

Life at the edge is better with friends

By Marc-Elian Bégin

In the midst of social distancing, it is with great excitement that SixSq is introducing the most social NuvlaEdge ever, the v2.0! Throughout its ...

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30 November 2021

Bringing DevOps to the edge

By Marc-Elian Bégin

Implementing a successful edge computing strategy requires close cooperation between software developers and IT operations. Adopting DevOps princi...

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01 September 2021

Forensic analysis at the edge with the blackbox app

By Marc-Elian Bégin

Edge computing systems work in a semi-autonomous way, which is great for providing fast responses, no privacy intrusion and reduced costs from netw...

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19 March 2021

Always know how your edge is doing with notifications and alerts

By Marc-Elian Bégin

Don’t stress about the state of your fleet of edge computing devices or your edge system. Instead, depend on a reliable alert and notification syst...

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