
14 February 2022 | by Marc-Elian Bégin

edge cloud

Embarking on an edge computing journey? It’s helpful to know what’s running under the hood.

Private pilots like me are trained to always take a careful look under the airplane engine cowling prior to lift-off.

Similarly, everyone embarking on an edge computing journey should know about the powerhouse. In an ideal world, you’ll select a managed edge solution which frees you to focus on your business instead of the underlying IT bits and pieces. But it’s helpful to know what’s running your edge computing.

The parts required for excellent edge computing are:

And remember that you don’t have to buy and install software yourself anymore, since a managed service – also referred to as software-as-a-service (SaaS) – is now available, taking away much of the pain and risk for you. There are of course security and data sovereignty issues to consider, and I will cover these topics in a future article.

With all the right elements, you can have what everyone wants – an edge solution that’s lock-in free and future proofed. But don’t be led into believing it’s easy to pull together those disparate parts and come up with the perfect do-it-yourself (DIY) solution. Find out about potential pitfalls by reading another of my blogs: Taking off with edge computing? Don’t clip your own wings.

If you need more information or have any questions, please get in touch.

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