25 January 2022
Renewable energy management at forefront of SWARM project
Smart and Widely-distributed Appliances for Renewable energy Management (SWARM) Decentralisation, decarbonisation and changing consumer patterns a...
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02 November 2021
Ekinops, a leading supplier of telecommunications solutions for telecom operators and enterprises, is announcing the acquisition of the start-up Si...
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10 September 2021
Driving Sustainable Cloud Computing EcoCloud is a unique EPFL academic research center providing world-class leadership for, and driving innovatio...
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19 April 2021
Discussing the Smart City Edge
What are the use cases that can be deployed in cities to help them become smarter? SixSq CEO Marc Elian Bégin had the great pleasure to talk to sm...
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15 November 2020
Launch of Nuvla Marketplace Provides Sales Platform for Vendors of Edge Computing Apps Edge solution experts SixSq today announced the launch of t...
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06 October 2020
Halfway Mark for H2020 Project ELASTIC
Horizon 2020 was the biggest ever European Union Research and Innovation programme, with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014...
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14 September 2020
ELEKTRON and SixSq launch TrafficDim
Next-generation solution for smart, efficient street lighting ELEKTRON teamed up with software technology expert and CERN spin-off SixSq t...
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20 August 2020
Group Feature Enhancement to Nuvla
SixSq is proud to announce the introduction of the Switch Group feature, in response to user requests to improve the management at scale of apps, e...
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11 August 2020
SixSq has updated Nuvla to introduce subscriptions and pricing support. Nuvla is a secured edge-to-cloud (and back) management platform that enable...
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